10th January, 2011

Here's some pix of one of the sectors of our trip to Canada's West Coast this past September and October.  A good friend, RUBBERT, happily showed off some of his newest kit and then we got into some other forms of entertainment.  I hope you'll enjoy the images below.

Prepared for a session in the Isolation Chamber .....

..... then  fully restrained and suspended in the outer chamber.

In you go ...  

   and up you go....
Ready to fly as soon as the soundproof door is bolted shut and the light goes out.

Our Canadian friend, Rubbert's back garden ... how good is that for pony play?

  Another view of the forested part of the garden.

Lady M is an expert trainer of pony girls and required maxi’s perfect obedience to the reins. I learned a lot from simply observing.

Next came the high-step.

The bow ... a new-to-me evolution that I particularly like. 

Distance training on a lunge-rein.

Even a well-trained pony girl occasionally tries to defy her trainer ... 

... but Lady M knows exactly how to deal with a feisty pony girl and easily retains control.

Adding a blindfold requires total trust and absolute obedience on maxi’s part.

  Practice makes perfect ...



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